9 Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and its Rules

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Clean and pure water is essential for the survival of mankind on this planet earth. The Supreme Court of India has categorically declared that right to clean water is part of right to life guaranteed under Article 21.i Water Pollution amounts to violation of Right to Life enshrined in Article 21 of the Indian Constitution.ii Prior to Independence, there were scanty provisions in various statutes dealing with water and directly or indirectly with the Water pollution.iii Indian Penal Code, Section 277, criminalized the act of corrupting or fouling the water of any public spring or reservoir.iv Therefore, the law makers in India were alive to the problem of water pollution even prior to the enactment of Indian Constitution.

Under the Constitution of India, ‘Water’ is a State subjectv. The Constitution empowers the Union government to enter into treaties and sign conventions at the international level and it empowered Parliament to make domestic laws to implement the same.vi Part XI of the Constitution of India enabled the Parliament to make laws on matters in State list if two or more states pass resolution to that effect.vii Stockholm Declaration of 1972 had huge impact on Indian Republic and the law dealing with Water Pollution was the outcome of the same. It reflects the Indian Republic’s commitment towards environmental protection. However, as stated earlier, ‘Water’ is state subject whereas Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 is a Union Legislation. Interestingly, Parliament drew legislative competence to enact Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 from the resolutions passed to this effect under Article 252 by twelve States.viii

1.2 Learning Outcome

The objective of the paper is to apprise the reader regarding law relating to prevention and control of Water pollution and the legal regime to administer Union legislation i.e. Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1974 and the rules framed thereunder. The discussion is divided into the following headings: