Minor Requirements

Computer Science - department hero

Computer Science - department hero

Why Study Computer Science or Computer and Information Technology?

What’s required to earn a degree?

It's all summarized in our minor maps for Computer Science or Computer Information Technology.

On This Page:

General Information

The minor in computer and information science introduces the theories and techniques of computer science and develops programming skills that are applicable to the student's major. It is a strong complement to a major in any of the sciences and in related fields such as multimedia arts. Students from all majors have found their career opportunities enhanced through the CS minor.

Declaring a Minor

Before enrolling in CIS 313 or other upper-division courses, you must officially declare the minor with the CS department. Students are encouraged to consult with a Tykeson Hall Academic Advisor on the Scientific Discovery and Sustainability (SDS) team prior to declaring the minor.

32 Credits

Lower-Division Courses (20 credits)

Complete the following sequences concurrently. Courses must be taken graded.

Required Upper-Division Course (4 credits)

Complete the following course. It must be taken graded.

Upper-Division Electives (8 credits)

Complete at least two upper-division CS courses. All courses must be taken graded. Courses numbered 399-409 will be counted only if permission is obtained before registering for the course.

Satisfactory Progress in the CS Minor Lower Division

Computer Science supports student preparedness for upper-division courses, as indicated by grades earned in lower-division courses. Strong preparation in lower-division courses provides the foundation for success in major upper-division courses and continuous progress toward major and UO degree requirements. Students must earn grades of B- or higher in CIS 210, 211, 212 and Math 231, 232 to automatically advance to upper-division CS courses.

When a student receives a grade lower than a B- in one of these courses, Computer Science strongly recommends that students repeat the course to earn the required B- or higher grade prior to attempting subsequent courses. Students repeating a course should plan to take advantage of supplemental instruction opportunities such as Class Encore weekly small group meetings.

If there were extenuating circumstances, students with at most one C grade (any level) in the lower-division required courses may petition for a prerequisite override to register for upper-division computer science courses. Students should be aware that such petitions are not automatically approved.

Students are required to meet with a Tykeson Hall Academic Advisor on the Scientific Discovery and Sustainability (SDS) team before submitting a petition for a prerequisite override to register for upper-division courses. You may speak with the advisor about any issues that may have prevented you from making satisfactory progress in the lower-division major course. Your advisor will assist you in determining next steps and with submitting a petition, if this is determined to be appropriate.

In addition to your statement, CS UEC will review your experience and grades in all of the lower-division foundational core courses to determine your preparedness for upper-division courses in the major.

Satisfactory Progress in the CS Minor Upper Division

All upper-division coursework must be completed with a grade of C- or better. All courses must be taken graded.

Students who receive two grades below C- in upper-division core courses, or three grades below C- in upper division elective CS classes, will be removed from the minor.

General Information

The minor in computer information technology prepares students to work with evolving technologies for work environments that require development and management of business databases, computer networks and information security, web applications, and software systems.

Beyond the specific technical skills, the CIT Minor successfully promotes a student’s ability to work with the complexities of our digital world, and fosters continual growth in confidence and self-belief. The majority of the CIT Minor students are not engaged in what might be considered CIS-focused undergraduate programs, so the growth in technical knowledge and skills is a highly transformative experience.

The CIT Minor is open all students, as technical knowledge and skills are a compliment to any major. Over twenty majors are represented each year. CS Majors and CS Minors cannot be a CIT minor except by petition.

Declaring a Minor

Before enrolling in CIT 381, you must officially declare the CIT Minor with the CIS department, but it is highly recommended that you declare the minor as early as possible. Students are encouraged to consult with a Tykeson Hall Academic Advisor on the Scientific Discovery and Sustainability (SDS) team prior to declaring the minor.

Grading Policies

All courses must be taken graded. Lower-division courses must be completed with a grade of B- or better. Upper-division courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better.

24 credits total

Lower-Division Courses (12 credits)

Complete the following sequence of courses. All courses must be taken graded. All courses must be completed with a grade of B- or better.

Upper-Division Courses (12 credits)

Complete the following sequence. All courses must be taken graded. All courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better. This sequence is offered only once per year beginning in the Fall.

CIT Minor and Lane Community College Transfer Students

LCC students who are interested in the Computer Information Technology (CIT) minor at the UO should be aware that the following courses may be able to substitute for UO minor requirements by petition to the Computer Science Undergraduate Education Committee.

All courses must have been completed with grades of B or better.

A student who has completed the appropriate lower division courses at LCC will be able to complete the CIT minor in one year at the UO:

*Students who have taken CS 275 Database Systems and Modeling and CS 276 Database SQL Programming and received grades of B+ or better should talk to a UO Computer Science advisor about possibly substituting another upper division Computer Science class for CIT 381.

School of Computer and Data Sciences

Our mission is to empower a diverse population of students and faculty working to advance knowledge in computer and data science, train the next generation of scholars, and engage with the wider world to tackle interdisciplinary challenges.

To do this, we start by applying our knowledge and experience at home across the University of Oregon campus.